Global HR Talent Partner
Spécialiste en Technologie et Énergie
SIBIOS est un Cabinet de Conseil en Recrutement et en Ressources Humaines établi pour se concentrer sur le Cœur de l’Entreprise qui est le Personnel, nous sommes de Divers horizons mais inclusifs dans notre approche.
Notre culture se caractérise par la flexibilité, l’innovation, la collaboration, l’ouverture et l’équité.
Notre approche est de travailler en partenariat avec nos clients pour fournir des solutions innovantes et sur mesure à leurs besoins qui les aideront à atteindre leurs objectifs d’affaires et de projet dans le monde entier.
Travaillant dans des marchés établis et des pays émergents depuis plus de 15 ans, notre recruteur de talents multilingue sait comment trouver les meilleurs talents pour s’adapter à votre secteur d’activité et à votre culture organisationnelle spécifiques sans parti pris.
Plus que de simplement trouver votre talent, nous vous aidons à mettre en place votre stratégie RH et votre processus de recrutement.
Nous comprenons votre langage, votre vision.

Nos Domaines
SAP, MICROSOFT D365, BI, Développeurs
Ingénieurs Pétrole et Gaz, Vert, Mines, Minéraux
Chef de Projet, Ingénieurs, SSE
Gestionnaire de Réseau, Ingénieurs de Conception de Satellites Sans Fil
Biomédical, Scientifique, Ingénieur chimiste, Analyste
Analyste, Chef de Projet, Comptable
Conseiller Juridique, Souscripteur, Gestionnaire de Sinistres
Responsable Logistique, WMS, SCM, Approvisionnement
Ingénieur Aérospatial, Ferroviaire, Routier
Ingénieurs en Agronomie, Semences, Machinerie.
Nos réussites
"One of the very best Recruitment Consultants I came across: he understood fully my strengths and possibilities as well as the exact need of the clients. In that role he was instrumental in providing me with two of the best assignments in my career: In addition to that I found Jorge very pleasant on a personal level and very easy and straightforward in business."

"I definitively recommend Jorge for recruiting the right person for the correct position. From our contacts he always was very professional and with collaborative skills. Besides that, he is a proactive and a very honest person. Values that became rare during nowadays."

"The opportunity to work with Jorge started on 2006, since then, we have implemented SAP in so many countries like Brazil, Portugal and Spain. It was a great pleasure working with him, he was committed and always focused to accomplish the goals that was set up previously."

"The opportunity to work with Jorge started on 2006, since then, we have implemented SAP in so many countries like Brazil, Portugal and Spain. It was a great pleasure working with him, he was committed and always focused to accomplish the goals that was set up previously."

"Very nice and dedicated person. He has helped me to get a great job at Gallina Blanca Star and I will definitely contact him again when I am looking for a new challenge/job"

“I have worked with SIBIOS in 2014 with excellent results. They are excellent recruiters, a problem solving oriented people with innovative and reliable ideas. They are very friendly, proactive strategic and analytical that help to map the talent pool required.."

"I have worked with Jorge a few times to find difficult situations of foreigner consultants, and in the period we worked Jorge was always the first to find a consultant. All resulted as a good match for the project requirements, was a mix of time and quality ... and price."